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Thank you for your interest in King Wholesale!

Register to shop with us

King sells to the following businesses.

  • Brick and Mortar Pet Stores
  • Groomers
  • Veterinarians
  • Animal Rescue Groups
  • Kennels
  • Trainers
  • Accredited Breeders
  • Doggy Daycare
  • Other Pet Professionals or Pet-centric businesses

 We are no longer accepting 3rd party or non pet related e-commerce only sellers.

The below business types are restricted. This also includes businesses who sell on multiple channels.

  • Amazon sellers
  • Walmart
  • Shopify
  • Ebay
  • Personal online businesses that are not specifically for pets.


Please note!
When you register, we will review your registration information for approval within 1 business day if all of the requested information is provided and able to be validated accordingly. However, if we are not provided all requested information your registration will be processed within 1 week. We will email your approval to shop when your account is activated.

If you already shop online with us use this link to the Customer login page.

Have any questions,
Please use contact us form or call us
Mon- Fri 8:00am-4:30pm PST (California)
(800) 825-4647
(Optional for Groomers, Handlers, etc) Be sure to pick the correct Business Type below before submitting
(Please select closest to your type)
Address matching Card Holder
Apt, Bldg, Ste...
Zip Code (Correct zip code input will automatically update (city, state) fields in the form)
We use your web address to refer retail customers as we are only B2B
Dealers / Resellers if selling in or shipping to any state requiring sales tax exemption our Reseller's signed Permit form needs to be on file with us (tax will be added until your certificate is verified). download the certificate and fill out the form, then use the file upload field provided below.
Upload our (signed) completed California Resale Certificate or a unified state exemption form if your state allows. if selling or shipping to any state you are tax exempt in. Download from the above links. Accepted file type: pdf, jpg, png, jpeg.

Simple description eg. Friend referral, internet search, etc, and your business market type.